Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

Learning from the Insect

Do we feel great as a human being? Do we feel better as a living creature than any other living creature. Yes, we are indeed living beings granted by the Supreme excess. One is that we are given reasonable mind. The goal is nothing that we want to think about everything that happens around us. Then, have we thought about the little creatures that are often found in our everyday lives? You're certainly very familiar with insects, namely mosquitoes, flies, dragonflies, and others. Surely they were created not to be wasted but to be understood. This is why the Almighty warned in the Qur'an about the parable of mosquitoes that are justified by the faithful but denied by unbelievers (Sura 2: 26). Just look at how a fly can fly at a very high when compared to his size. See also dragonflies can travel as fast as 40 km / hour. See also insects or even smaller at 50 km / hour. When compared with humans may only be comparable if we use the jet. However, when compared with the size of a jet flies, it is clear that the flies actually fly faster than a jet plane. The jet uses a special fuel to drive the high-speed machines. Fly fly power requires high levels of energy. There also needs large amounts of oxygen to burn energy. Needs large amounts of oxygen are met by the respiratory system yan extraordinary in the body of flies and other insects. This truth is echoed by the faithful. 
Of insects, we can learn many things. Of insects, we can know ourselves who we really are. So, if we are so easy to kill flies and mosquitoes, and considered them as nuisance insects, have we learned to understand how they are created? And ... can we create an insect? Wallahu’alam

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