Let us say that it takes you exactly one minute to read this post. At that time, more than 6,600 photos will be uploaded to Flickr,approximately 70 new domains will be registered, more than 1,200new ads will be created on Craigslist, and many more. This is what happens on the internet every 60 seconds.
That disclaimer aside and without further ado, here's what's happening each minute:
* Search engine Google serves more that 794,445 queries
* 8,600+ pictures are uploaded to Flickr
* 670 videos are uploaded to YouTube, amounting to 25+ hours of content
* 655,000 status updates, 90,364 wall posts and 612,040 comments are published on social networking site Facebook
* 80 new domains are registered
* 178,000,000+ emails are sent
* 330 new accounts and 98,000 tweets are generated on social networking site Twitter
* iPhone applications are downloaded more than 12,000 times
* 26,000 new posts are published on micro-blogging platform Tumblr
* Popular web browser FireFox is downloaded more than 3,700 times
* Popular blogging platform Word Press is downloaded more than 60 times
* Word Press Plugins are downloaded more than 137 times
* 104 accounts are created on professional networking site LinkedIn
* 70 new questions are asked on YahooAnswers.com
* 150+ questions are asked on Answers.com
* 1 new article is published on Associated Content, the world’s largest source of community-created content
* 1 new definition is added on UrbanDictionary.com
* 1,270+ new ads are created on Craigslist
* 376,000+ minutes of voice calls done by Skype users
* 13,340+ hours of music streaming is done by personalized Internet radio provider Pandora
* 1,620+ reads are made on Scribd, the largest social reading publishing company
Impressive? Scary? Overwhelming? We're not sure. But we do know that a lot happened in the few moments it took to look at this blog post — so you better rush to catch up.
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